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Samantha Ronson, along with her rumored girlfriend, Lindsay Lohan,
snubbed her own birthday celebrations on Tuesday night.
The two reportedly abandoned the party to avoid photographers.

Ronson and her twin sister, Charlotte, threw a double celebration
at the Bowery Hotel in Los Angeles in honor of their 31st birthdays.
Samantha Ronson Lindsay Lohan same-sex lovers

But Ronson and Lohan were said to have left the party early
after a swarm of photographers arrived outside.
A source tells New York Post gossip column Page Six,
"Charlotte and Sam do this party every year with (publicist) Amanda Silverman.

"The photographers must have caught on because they were outside the hotel.
Sam and Lindsay were livid and just left to go do their own thing."
Samantha Ronson Lindsay Lohan sexy same-sex lovers

